Internet Money Records · JETSKI (feat. Lil Tecca & Lil Mosey)


July 28,2023

      My day started off with the urge to clean the bathroom, set up a shoe rack, do some meal prepping, and maybe get my ass to the gym. I did not go to the gym :( but I did everything else that I set out to do. I also set up an emailing list after a friend of mine asked me how she could keep up with my website and new things going on with me outside of instagram. Shout out to Dorit for giving me that push! I have never set up an email list and I’m still figuring out this website, but it felt really good and fulfilling to complete another task that brings me closer to my goal of exisitng outside of main stream platforms. After my eventful morning and early afternoon, I got ready for work and also had plans to go to a poetry reading. Work went smoothly, and I decided to spend some time at a park or by a river before I went to the poetry event. I decided to go to Spruce Street Harbor Park because it was close to my intended destination and I really needed to spend sometime outside so I did just that. I ended up making a new friend who we’ll call O,  that had intentions of getting onto a dinner cruise right at the dock I was sitting at but he missed it! I was actually surprised when he started talking to me because as you can see from the pictures below today I wore this loud outfit and he was wearing a button down, dress pants, and dress shoes. We looked like total opposites but we got along and I told him not to worry about missing the cruise because everything happens for a reason. Keep in mind this is growth for me to have this advice because I used to be the kind of person that thought anything that was not happening according to my plans was a commplete disaster and everything was completely ruined.

        At my very big age of 25, I am now able to understand that all of the experiences I’ve had in my life that I would get worked up about were just tests and training to be able to be as calm and understanding as I am today. I just know that I am where I’m meant to be always and in all ways no matter what I think I should be doing. O and I eneded up having great conversation and even went jet skiing! Yes, I know so random but there was a guy out on the water giving out rides and I mentioned how I was interested in trying it out but a bit nervous and my friend said I should go for it because it was really fun. I’ve never jet skiing before and it looked absolutely crazy while I was really watching it but I’m an adventerous gal so I used the encouragment I recieved as fuel to let the guy know I wanted to take a ride. I begged him not to go fast but now after the experience I kind of wish he would have just floored it! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I will definitely being doing that again the next chance I get. Shout out to Leo on the Deleware river! O even got a ride too! I also took some crazy photos and videos of some clouds that I put into the collage as well. This is not at all how I expected my day to go and I also missed the poetry reading but, I know I was exactly where I was supposed to be at the right time today and I always am. I’m grateful for learning new skills, the feeling of accomplishment, meeting new friends, trying new adventerous things, and being myself through it all. 



JULY 26, 2023

A few weeks back I posted on instagram saying I wasn’t going to use it anymore. I think I was just frustrated and tired of the machine. One thing I’ve learned though is that my energy is my energy and I can put it where I want. I can have the understanding and awareness to know that social media can be detrimental and very harmful, I mean they designed it to be that way. We are part of a society that has figured out a way to profit on the time we spend on social media so our time spent there is turned into money for others. What I also know is that I’ve met a lot of people who support me and my growth so I want to continue to share my journey and my evolution. I am changing constantly and consistantly so I’d like to document it somewhere epseically if there’s anyone out there who resonates with me or is open to seeing me learn. So here we are, on my website, doing it my way and I am really excited to go into this with intention. Here’s what I wore to teach today, yes, I had another shirt I put on too  so don’t worry about me and my beater!

I had an interesting experience with teaching today as well that I navigated to the best of my ability. The child that I’ve been working with is 5 years old, his mother is Hispanic and his father is Italian.  We were going over the colors today and when we got to the colors black and brown he told me that those were “lazy” and “ugly” colors. I was definitely surprised at his statements but I decided to address it immedietly. I asked him where he learned that and he told me that his classmates said things like that. I told him that there is nothing “ugly” or “lazy” about those colors, that all the colors are beautiful and even if they’re not our favorite, there’s nothing wrong with them. I had him look outside at the trees and tell me the colors of the tree and if he believed it was beautiful. He replied with green and brown, saying he did thing it was beautiful. I wanted to give him an example of one of the colors in nature so he can see the beauty in it outside of what he may speak to his peers about. When he first said these things about brown and black I was a bit worried because it seemed as if this was something that could translate into the way he looks at people with brown and black skin.
        I am a very proactive teacher and if you know me personally you may know that I have always been outspoken and will speak out about anything that doesn’t sit right with my spirit. I have gone from putting my energy into  grown people that are ignorant to now teaching children from an early age what I feel to be morally correct.  I’ve talked about this before and will continue to be an advoate for teachers that instill love and respect into their students so that they may have a greater chance of being free of ignotant behaviors.  The kids have the answers but they need guidance, and if we are open to giving it to them, the world will continue to change for the better. I ended up talking to his mom about it and she agreed that it was a serious matter and grateful that it was being adressed. I am grateful that the interaction happened in this way and ultimatley who knows how many kids minds will be able to change just because one is getting these lessons and perspectives. 
Teddy Bear Sneakers Beater Choker Tabi's Hair Ribbons Crystal Necklace Pineapple Kombucha Leather Belt CLOUDS HANDMADE RIECYCLED TOP Jetski Thrifted bag Thrifted cargos (100% cotton!) WATER